API documentation
Set or modify employment termination details.
Input data type | ArchiveEmployee |
Output data type | results |
This method is deprecated in favor of RuleGroupQuery for all portals using the v2 interpreter.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
A Biller (Customer) may have multiple contacts that invoices need to be sent to. These contacts are called Billing Contacts. A Billing Contact consists of: a Name, Primary Email Address, Additional CC email addresses, Street Address, Suburb/Town, State, and Postcode The invoice will be made "Attention to" the Name, and sent to all email addresses. The address will be used as the billing address. NOTE: if the address is left blank the system will use the Customer's address. You can create new Billing Contacts. You can also look up existing billing contacts and reuse these on different jobs. NOTE: in the Front End Interface there is a "Default Billing Contact". This is useful where information is being inputted manually onto the system. It is not required and is not used through the webservice - typically the information is inputted into the "Additional Billing Contacts" table.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
A Biller (Customer) may have multiple contacts that invoices need to be sent to. These contacts are called Billing Contacts. A Billing Contact consists of: a Name, Primary Email Address, Additional CC email addresses, Street Address, Suburb/Town, State, and Postcode The invoice will be made "Attention to" the Name, and sent to all email addresses. The address will be used as the billing address. NOTE: if the address is left blank the system will use the Customer's address. You can create new Billing Contacts. You can also look up existing billing contacts and reuse these on different jobs. NOTE: in the Front End Interface there is a "Default Billing Contact". This is useful where information is being inputted manually onto the system. It is not required and is not used through the webservice - typically the information is inputted into the "Additional Billing Contacts" table.
Input data type | BillerContactsSave |
Output data type | results |
You can query Billers to review and use existing Billers. See BillerSave
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
A Biller is the "Company" that an invoice will be sent to. In the front end interface it is referred to as a Customer. Another commonly used term is "Client". You can create new Customers. You can also look up existing Customers and edit them or reuse these on different jobs.
Input data type | billerSave |
Output data type | results |
Add a tag to a Biller
Input data type | BillerTagAdd |
Output data type | results |
Add a tag to a Biller
Input data type | BillerTagRemove |
Output data type | results |
You can query BillerWorkplaces to review and use existing Workplaces. See BillerWorkplaceSave
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
The Biller Workplace most commonly relates to the physical location of the place where the employee will be working. A workplace consists of a Name, Street Address, Suburb/Town, State, and Postcode. Workplaces are mandatory on employee jobs. They are the label that is used to identify and differentiate Jobs. Workplaces can be entered as Free Text, but it is best to use these defined Workplaces as many functions on the system are configured around these. You can create new workplaces. You can also look up existing workplaces and reuse these on different jobs.
Input data type | BillerWorkplaceSave |
Output data type | results |
This needs docs
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
The Company Entity houses the information about the Pty Ltd Company that owns the system. This is where they put information pertaining to them - for example, the payment terms that they need to put on their invoices. The system supports multiple Company Entities - so Companies that have multiple entities can run these all through a single system.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query the relationship between company entities and level one subentities. See CompanyEntityQuery and SubentityLevelOneQuery
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query a Deduction Item.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
This needs docs
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Retrieves employees Standard Availability from Monday to Sunday in the format "Mon M,Tue M,Wed A,Thu N" where M = Morning, A = Afternoon, N = Night
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Saves standard availability for an employee. Format "Mon M,Tue M,Wed A,Thu N" where M = Morning, A = Afternoon, N = Night
Input data type | EmployeeAvailabilityType |
Output data type | results |
Retrieves employees Availability Exception periods.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
This method will delete an expense
Input data type | ExpenseDelete |
Output data type | results |
Retrieves expense items
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
This method will delete an expense report
Input data type | ExpenseReportDelete |
Output data type | results |
Retrieves expense reports
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Create a new Expense Report or Update an existing Expense Report
Input data type | ExpenseReportSave |
Output data type | results |
Create a new Expense Item or Update an existing Expense Item
Input data type | ExpenseSave |
Output data type | results |
This method will delete an expense item attachment
Input data type | ExpenseStorageDelete |
Output data type | results |
Retrieves expense attachments
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
This method associates an uploaded attachment with an expense item
Input data type | ExpenseStorageSave |
Output data type | results |
Query a GL Group.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Allow users to retrieve the latest scheduled extract info via the API
Input data type | GetScheduledExtractInfo |
Output data type | results |
Allow users to download a stored file via the API
Input data type | GetStoredFile |
Output data type | results |
Allow users to retrieve stored file information via the API
Input data type | GetStoredFileInfo |
Output data type | results |
Get the holiday_group_id to assign to a job.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Retrieve the list of available (unarchived) workplace insurances, which can then be used to set insurance_id fields.
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
Adjust balance on an Invoice
Input data type | InvoiceBalanceAdjust |
Output data type | results |
Retrieve current balance of an invoice
Input data type | InvoiceBalanceRetrieve |
Output data type | results |
Retrieve information about an Invoice Item Charge created using InvoiceItemChargeQuery.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Retrieve information about an Invoice Item created using InvoiceItemSave.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Create arbitrary invoice items for future collation into invoices ready to send to Customers (Billers).
Input data type | InvoiceItemSave |
Output data type | results |
Retrieve the list of available Invoice Item Types
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
Retrieves invoice payments
Input data type | searchElement |
Output data type | results |
Retrieves invoices and its details by invoice number.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Cancel a Leave Request.
Input data type | LeaveRequestCancel |
Output data type | results |
Submit Leave Request for a Job, provided the leave type has been assigned to the job via the employee.
Input data type | LeaveRequestSubmit |
Output data type | results |
Lists all the valid countries available on the system.
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
The system has a list of enabled currencies. These can be assigned to Billers, Biller Contacts, Suppliers, Employees, RateCards, Occupations and company accounts.
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
Retrieves a list of active expense categories
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Retrieve the list of available GL Groups
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
Retrieve the list of available invoice templates for use with BillerSave and BillerContactsSave
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
Retrieve the list of available LeaveTypes. Shows both enabled and disabled leave types.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
The system has a list of Permission Groups. These are used to assign a Permission Groups to a user to determin what Employees they can view.
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
The system has a list of states and countries. These are used in the State field in the address. You can query this and it will return a full list.
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
List the valid residencies (called Employment Eligibilities in the front-end).
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
Retrieve the list of available tax tables for use with the tax_table field on UserSave
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
Retrieve the list of available taxes for use with InvoiceItemSave
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
Termination Reason list.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
List the valid visa types.
Input data type | user |
Output data type | results |
Add a Rate Change to an Occupation
Input data type | OccupationAddRateChange |
Output data type | results |
Delete an Occupation
Input data type | OccupationDelete |
Output data type | results |
Query the occupation library for valid OL_OID values to use with UserSave.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Create a new Occupation or Update an existing Occupation
Input data type | OccupationSave |
Output data type | results |
Query pay cycles to get a PCYID for UserSave pay_cycle attribute
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query a Pay Item.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query a payroll item.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Add a new Rate card. Requires a combination of PCGID or ratecard_remoteid and name or PCNID.
Input data type | RateCardAddRate |
Output data type | results |
Add a new Rate change to an existing Rate. Requires a Rate ID (PCID) or combination of PCGID or ratecard_remoteid and name or PCNID.
Input data type | RateCardAddRateChange |
Output data type | results |
Get attachments information associated to Rate Card
Input data type | RateCardAttachmentsQuery |
Output data type | results |
Delete a Rate Card
Input data type | RateCardDelete |
Output data type | results |
Get Rate Cards information by PCGID or Tags
Input data type | searchElement |
Output data type | results |
Create a new Rate Card or Update an existing Rate Card.
Input data type | RateCardSave |
Output data type | results |
Rate names allow different rates to be joined to a different rate cards.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query pay, Oncosts and charge rates.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
retrieving report information
Input data type | ReportRunType |
Output data type | results |
Get attachments information associated to Rule Group
Input data type | RuleGroupAttachmentsQuery |
Output data type | results |
Employees work under different Pay Conditions that stiplulate what they get paid for the work that they do. Some of these conditions are required by legislatoin, others are made under agreement with the employee. Clients will then be charged accordingly. The Pay Conditions module is a rules engine that automates the interpretation of timesheets for payroll and invoicing. Interpretation will typically cover overtime hours that are paid at a different rate or hours worked on a weekend/public holiday, as well as any fixed rate allowances such as meal or uniform allowances. There are two key components to Pay Conditions: Rules and Pay Codes. Rules contain triggers and outcomes. For example a trigger might be "working on Saturday" and the Outcome might be to use the Double Time pay item. Another Trigger might be "starting before 6.30am" and the outcome might be that the entire shift has a loading. "Rules" are grouped together into Rule Groups. Rule Groups are then allocated to the Employee's job. You cannot create Rules or Rule Groups through the Web Service, but you are able to look them up by their ID (RGID) or by Tags and assign them. Pay Codes contains the Pay and the Charge Rates. Pay Codes are grouped into Pay Groups - these are assigned to Employee's jobs. A Rule may determine which Pay Code to use or it may be manually assigned. You cannot create Pay Codes through the Web Service, but you are able to look them up and assign them.
Input data type | searchElement |
Output data type | results |
Query which level two subentities are paired with which level one subentities. See SubentityLevelOneQuery and SubentityLevelTwoQuery
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query level one subentities
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query level two subentities
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query a Super Item.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
You can query Suppliers to review and use existing Suppliers. See Supplier Save
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
A Supplier is a Pty Ltd Company that is providing employees to the company that owns the portal. The (portal owner) company does not pay wages to these employees as they are NOT the employees of the (portal owner) Company - instead they pay a supplier . invoice. Transactions between these parties is commonly referred to as a "Purchase". To assign a Supplier, the "Pay Type" for an employee needs to be set to "Subcontractor with ABN" [Users > Employees > Employment > Pay Type]. This removes the payroll information for the employee (bank accounts, Tax and Super etc) and replaces it with a field to select the Supplier. The employee will still submit timesheets and expenses and these will generate invoices to sent to the Biller as per usual. The difference is that they will create Supplier purchase invoices instead of payroll. The Supplier will then be responsible for paying THEIR employee. The employee may own the Supplier - for example they could be a Sole Trader. Alternatively a Supplier may have multiple employees working for this Portal Owner Company and other non-related Companies.
Input data type | SupplierSave |
Output data type | results |
Get transactional data from the system
Input data type | searchElement |
Output data type | results |
This method associates an uploaded attachment with a timesheet.
Input data type | TimesheetAttachment |
Output data type | results |
Add a Timesheet Pay Item.
Input data type | TimesheetAddInterp |
Output data type | results |
Add a timesheet shift.
Input data type | TimesheetAddShift |
Output data type | results |
Submits and approves a timesheet, once approved a timesheet cannot be updated, if amendments are required you will need to raise an adjustment vie the portal.
Input data type | TimesheetApprove |
Output data type | results |
Creates an adjustment for an inactive (finalised) timesheet.
Input data type | TimesheetCreateAdjustment |
Output data type | results |
Delete a Timesheet Pay Item.
Input data type | TimesheetDeleteInterp |
Output data type | results |
Delete a timesheet shift.
Input data type | TimesheetDeleteShift |
Output data type | results |
Query a Timesheet Pay Condition.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
You can query Timesheets to review and use existing ones. See TimesheetSave
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query a Timesheet Attachment.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query a Timesheet Pay Item.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Query a timesheet shift.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
This method disassociates an uploaded attachment from a timesheet.
Input data type | TimesheetAttachment |
Output data type | results |
This needs docs
Input data type | timesheetSave |
Output data type | results |
Set or modify employment termination details.
Input data type | UnarchiveEmployee |
Output data type | results |
Employees can be assigned Deduction Item.
Input data type | UserAddDeduction |
Output data type | results |
Assign documents to users
Input data type | UserAddDocument |
Output data type | results |
Employees can be assigned Fixed Pay Items.
Input data type | UserAddFixedPayItem |
Output data type | results |
Add Rate to an Employee
Input data type | UserAddRateChange |
Output data type | results |
Employees can be assigned Superannuation Items at their default value or with a percentage or dollar value override, depending on the type of Superannuation item.
Input data type | userAddSuperItem |
Output data type | results |
Query a User's Deduction Items.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
You can delete all users unless they have associated data. For employees this means that they have accepted compliance documents or submited timesheets/expenses. For other users it means that they have either accepted documents or are associated with a Job.
Input data type | userDelete |
Output data type | results |
Query a User's Fixed Pay Items.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
You can query UserLeaveBalanceList to get a list of leave types assigned to an Employee and their resulting balances.
Input data type | UserLeaveBalanceList |
Output data type | results |
Sets the balance for a particular leave type for a particular Employee, provided they have the leave type assigned. New balance must be provided as a decimal number representing the total number of hours for the new balance (e.g. '0.5' for 30 minutes, '12.4' for 12 hours 24 minutes).
Input data type | UserLeaveBalanceSave |
Output data type | results |
Assigns a leave type to an Employee, provided the leave type exists and is not already assigned to the Employee. If the leave type is configured to have an instant accrual upon first assignment or on a reset anniversary, then the balance will also be adjusted accordingly.
Input data type | UserLeaveTypeAssign |
Output data type | results |
Un-assigns a leave type from an Employee, provided the leave type has been assigned to the Employee, has no leave requests pending-approval, and has a zero balance.
Input data type | UserLeaveTypeUnAssign |
Output data type | results |
Each User has a UID that you can look up. This enables you to assign and update existing users. Employees have a UID and also UID's for their jobs. It is very important that you use both of these UID's otherwise you will duplicate Jobs within the system. You can update all user types and employee jobs through the Web Service. See UserSave for more details about types of Users.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Get rate changes over time.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Get all the rates assigned to a users using the UID.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Remove Deduction Items of an Employee
Input data type | UserRemoveDeduction |
Output data type | results |
Unassign documents from users
Input data type | UserRemoveDocument |
Output data type | results |
Remove FixedPay Items of an Employee
Input data type | UserRemoveFixedPayItem |
Output data type | results |
Remove Rate from an Employee
Input data type | UserRemoveRateChange |
Output data type | results |
Remove Superannuation Items of an Employee
Input data type | UserRemoveSuperItem |
Output data type | results |
The system has the following user types: Employee (PAYG/Subcontractor), Approver, Payroll Administrator, Portal Administrator, Payroll Ofifcer, Recruiter, Financial Controller. There are also profiles for Suppliers and Customers - neither of these profiles have logins). Billing Contacts do not have profiles. You can create all user types through the Web Service
Input data type | userSave |
Output data type | results |
Query a User's Super Items.
Input data type | userGet |
Output data type | results |
Set or modify employment termination details.
Input data type | employeeTerminate |
Output data type | results |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
remoteid | String 100 |
The external ID for the employee. |
UID | Int |
The internal ID for the employee. Use UserQuery to find the UID |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
address_locality | String 50 |
The suburb, city, town of the contact. Printed on the invoice. |
address_postcode | String 10 |
The postal code of the contact. Printed on the invoice. |
address_region | String 10 |
The state, county, region of the contact. Printed on the invoice. Use ListRegions for a list of valid address regions. |
address_street | String 255 |
The first line for street address of the contact, printed on the invoice. |
address_street_2 | String 255 |
The second line for street address of the contact, printed on the invoice. |
address_street_3 | String 255 |
The third line for street address of the contact, printed on the invoice. |
BCID | Int |
Set the associated billers - use BillerContactsQuery to search for BCID |
BID | Int |
Set the associated billers - use BillerQuery to search for BID |
custom_field_1 | String 255 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_2 | String 255 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_3 | String 255 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_4 | String 255 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_5 | String 255 |
Custom field for integrators |
String 100 |
The email address of this contact - used for sending invoices via email. |
invoice_cc_email | String 100 |
A secondary email address you'd like to receive a copy of all invoices sent to this contact. Useful for sending copies to general AP accounts or archive services. |
invoice_consolidation | String 20 |
The invoice consolidation method |
invoice_currency | String 3 |
This is the currency the customer is invoiced in |
invoice_name | String 255 |
The name by which the Default Billing Contact is addressed in invoicing. |
invoice_template_id | Int |
When using invoice templates, this field sets the default template for this Billing Group. -2 = Customer Default, -1 = Entity Default, -3 = System Default |
name | String 50 |
The name by which this contact is addressed. Eg. 'John Smith' or 'Mrs Jane Doe\ |
outbound_remoteid | String 255 |
An outbound remote ID refers to the object ID of the third party system that Astute is pushing data to. |
phone | String 30 |
The phone number of this contact - for record keeping only. |
remoteid | String 100 |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
trading_name | String 255 |
The trading name for billing group. If set will override the customer's trading name when this contact is used in invoicing. |
update_remoteid | String 100 |
Updates the remote id of a record when saving an existing record. Note that you cannot update the remote id using the ‘remoteid’ field as this is used to determine the record to be updated. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
BID | Int |
Set the associated billers - use BillerQuery to search for BID (Optional. If not included, BCID and/or user_id must be set). |
remoteid | String 100 |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. If you ever need to update this record, you can provide the remoteid and we'll update the associated record. |
tag [R] | String |
A comma seperated list of tags that will be added to the Biller |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
BID | Int |
Set the associated billers - use BillerQuery to search for BID (Optional. If not included, BCID and/or user_id must be set). |
remoteid | String 100 |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. If you ever need to update this record, you can provide the remoteid and we'll update the associated record. |
tag [R] | String |
A comma seperated list of tags that will be removed from the Biller |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
BID | Int |
Biller ID is the internal ID used to represent Billers (customers). Use BillerQuery to find a BID |
insurance_id | String |
Set the assigned workplace insurance id, use InsuranceQuery to find an insurance id. Cannot be an archived insurance. Passing explicit 0 will clear insurance_id. '-1' means Fallback to Customer Default. |
locality | String 50 |
The suburb, city, town of the contact. Printed on the invoice. |
name | String 50 |
The name by which this contact is addressed. Eg. 'John Smith' or 'Mrs Jane Doe' |
postcode | String 10 |
The postal code of the contact. Printed on the invoice. |
region | String 50 |
The state, county, region of the contact. Printed on the invoice. Use ListRegions for a list of valid address regions. |
remoteid | String 100 |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
street | String 255 |
The postal address of the contact, printed on the invoice. |
update_remoteid | String 100 |
Updates the remote id of a record when saving an existing record. Note that you cannot update the remote id using the ‘remoteid’ field as this is used to determine the record to be updated. |
WID | Int |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. If you ever need to update this record, you can provide the remoteid and we'll update the associated record. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
employee_availability [R] | String |
Standard Availability for Employee |
remoteid | String 100 |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. If you ever need to update this record, you can provide the remoteid and we'll update the associated record. |
skip_update | Int 1 |
Defines if availability will be skipped if data already exists for employee |
UID | Int |
The internal ID for the employee. Use UserQuery to find the UID |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
EID [R] | Int |
This is the expense ID that is associated for the expense. Use ExpenseQuery to find the EID. |
ERID [R] | Int |
This is the expense Report ID that is associated for the expense report. Use ExpenseReportQuery to find the ERID. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
EID | Int |
EID is the internal numeric ID used to represent an expense. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
ERID [R] | Int |
This is the expense Report ID that is associated for the expense report. Use ExpenseReportQuery to find the ERID. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
ERID | Int |
ERID is the internal numeric ID used to represent an expense report. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
ERID | String | |
er_status | String |
This is the status of the expense report. |
name | String 100 |
This is the name of the expense report. |
notes | String 4000 |
This is the notes of the expense report (Optional). |
TSID | String |
TSID is the internal numeric ID used to represent a timesheet (Optional). |
ts_type | String |
The internal string letter used to represent a timesheet type (Optional). |
UID | String |
UID is the internal numeric ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a UID. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
amount [R] | Decimal | |
CID [R] | Int |
This is the expense category ID, use ListExpenseCategories to get the list of all enabled expense category. |
date [R] | Date 100 |
Date of the expense item. |
EID | Int | |
ERID [R] | Int |
This is the expense report ID that is associated for the expense item. Use ExpenseReportQuery to find the ERID. |
notes | String 4000 |
This is the notes of the expense report (Optional). |
tax_amount | Decimal |
The internal string letter used to represent a timesheet type (Optional). |
tax_code | String |
Tax code of the expense item, use ListTaxes to get the list of all enabled invoice tax. |
UID [R] | Int |
UID is the internal numeric ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a UID. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
expenseStorage_id [R] | Int |
This is the expense storage ID that is associated for the expense storage. Use ExpenseStorageQuery to find the expenseStorage_id. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
expenseStorage_id | Int |
expenseStorage_id is the internal numeric ID used to represent an expense storage. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
EID [R] | Int |
This is the expense ID that is associated for the expense item. Use ExpenseQuery to find the EID. |
storage_id | String |
storage id of file |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
storage_id | String |
storage id of file |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
storage_id | String |
storage id of file |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
balance [R] | Float |
Balance Amount |
IID [R] | Int |
Invoice ID |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
IID [R] | Int |
Invoice ID |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
account_code | String 50 |
This is the General Ledger Expense Account Code - it is often required for exporting purchase invoices into GL accounting systems such as MYOB. If you specify a CCID, we can get the default account code from there. |
amount [R] | Decimal |
The unit cost of this item. The total for this line item is the quantity multiplied by the amount, plus the tax, rounded to two decimal places. |
BCID | Int |
Deprecated, please use billing_contact_BCID. |
BID | Int |
Deprecated, please use customer_BID. |
billing_contact_BCID | Int |
Set the associated billers - use BillerContactsQuery to search for billing_contact_BCID (Optional. If not included, customer_BID and/or user_id must be set). |
CCID | Int |
The ChargeItem ID to record against this transaction (used for reporting and to set the account_code if none was provided) |
CM_CID | Int |
The assigned entity for billing and reporting - use CompanyEntityQuery to find CM_CID. Required when UID is not set. |
consolidation_code | String |
The invoice item consolidation code, all invoice items with this code will be grouped on the same invoice. |
cost_centre | String 255 |
The cost centre the invoice item is for |
cost_of_goods_amount | Decimal |
When enabled, this is the Cost of Goods for this invoice item. If not supplied, the amount is calculated based on the charge item (CCID) or pay item (PCID). |
customer_BID | Int |
Set the associated billers - use BillerQuery to search for customer_BID (Optional. If not included, billing_contact_BCID and/or UID must be set). |
custom_field_1 | String 255 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_2 | String 255 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_3 | String 255 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_4 | String 255 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_5 | String 255 |
Custom field for integrators |
description [R] | String |
This description will appear verbatim on the invoice |
IIID | Int |
Invoice Item ID is the internal ID used to represent Invoice Items. |
invoice_on_date | Date |
The date the invoice item will become available for invoicing, if not provided the order will become available immediately. |
order_transaction_date | Date |
Controls the order of transactions in certain circumstances, such as the NetSuite integration exports. |
PCID | Int |
The PayItem ID to record against this transaction (used for reporting and to set the account_code if none was provided) |
po_number | String |
Your customer's purchase order number (optional) |
quantity | Decimal |
How many of this item to invoice. |
recruiter2_margin_split | Decimal |
This enables you to set the % split that will be assigned to the second consultant |
recruiter2_user_id | String 50 |
This enables you to set the secondary consultant id associated with this invoice item |
recruiter3_margin_split | Decimal |
This enables you to set the % split that will be assigned to the fourth consultant |
recruiter3_user_id | String 50 |
This enables you to set the third consultant id associated with this invoice item |
recruiter4_margin_split | Decimal |
This enables you to set the % split that will be assigned to the third consultant |
recruiter4_user_id | String 50 |
This enables you to set the fourth consultant id associated with this invoice item |
recruiter5_margin_split | Decimal |
This enables you to set the % split that will be assigned to the fifth consultant |
recruiter5_user_id | String 50 |
This enables you to set the fifth consultant id associated with this invoice item |
recruiter_user_id | String 50 |
This enables you to set the primary consultant id associated with this invoice item |
remoteid | String 100 |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
subentityOne_id | Int |
First level of corporate organisation |
subentityTwo_id | Int |
Second level of corporate organisation |
UID | Int |
The person to whom this invoice item relates (Optional. If not included, customer_BID and/or billing_contact_BCID must be set). You can retrieve UIDs using UserQuery. |
update_remoteid | String 100 |
Updates the remote id of a record when saving an existing record. Note that you cannot update the remote id using the ‘remoteid’ field as this is used to determine the record to be updated. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String | |
api_password [R] | String | |
api_username [R] | String | |
LM_request_id | Int | |
request_remoteid | String |
Parameter | Type | Description |
date [R] | String | |
days | String | |
end_time | String | |
start_time | String |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String | |
api_password [R] | String | |
api_transaction_id | String | |
api_username [R] | String | |
entries [R] | Tns:LeaveRequestEntryArray | |
job_remoteid | String | |
leave_remoteid | String | |
LM_type_id | Int | |
request_remoteid | String | |
status | String | |
UID | Int |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
CID | Int |
CID is the internal numeric ID used to represent an expense categories. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
charge_rate [R] | Float |
The Base Charge Rate |
finish_date | Date |
The finish date of the Rate. |
OL_OID [R] | String |
The assigned occupation- use OccupationQuery to search for OL_OID |
oncosts | Float |
Deprecated - please use pay_oncosts_percent. Oncosts dollar value. If provided we will convert to a percentage of the pay rate. If the pay rate is $0, the oncosts percentage will be 0%. |
pay_oncosts_percent | Float |
Mandatory. Percentage of pay rate used for oncosts. 10 percent should be entered as 10 - not 0.1 or 10%. |
pay_rate [R] | Float |
The Base Pay Rate |
start_date [R] | Date |
The start date of the Rate. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
OL_OID [R] | String |
The assigned occupation- use OccupationQuery to search for OL_OID |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
charge_rate | Float |
The Base Charge Rate |
enabled | Int |
Enables or Disables the Occupation. |
group | String |
The Occupation Group |
insurance_id | String |
Set the assigned workplace insurance id, use InsuranceQuery to find an insurance id. Cannot be an archived insurance. Passing explicit 0 will clear insurance_id. '-1' means Fallback to Customer Default, '-2' means Fallback to Workplace Default. |
insurance_rate | String |
The Insurance Rate percentage |
insurance_reference | String |
The Insurance Reference |
job_title | String |
The Job Title of the occupation |
name [R] | String |
The Occupation Name |
OL_OID | String |
The assigned occupation- use OccupationQuery to search for OL_OID |
oncosts | Float |
Deprecated - please use pay_oncosts_percent. Oncosts dollar value. If provided we will convert to a percentage of the pay rate. If the pay rate is $0, the oncosts percentage will be 0%. |
pay_oncosts_percent | Float |
Percentage of pay rate used for oncosts. 10 percent should be entered as 10 - not 0.1 or 10%. |
pay_rate | Float |
The Base Pay Rate |
PCGID | Int |
Rate Card Group ID is the internal ID used to represent a Rate Card name. Use RateCardQuery to find a PCGID |
region_code | String |
The Region Code (mandatory if multi-region is enabled) |
remoteid | String |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
RGID | Int |
Rule Group ID is the internal ID used to represent Rule Groups. Use RuleGroupQuery to find a RGID |
update_remoteid | String 100 |
Updates the remote id of a record when saving an existing record. Note that you cannot update the remote id using the ‘remoteid’ field as this is used to determine the record to be updated. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
charge_rate [R] | Float |
Mandatory. The charge rate. |
finish_date | Date |
The finish date of the Rate. |
name | String |
The Rate name. This cannot be adjusted on an existing Rate. |
pay_oncosts | Float |
Deprecated - please use pay_oncosts_percent. Oncosts dollar value. If provided we will convert to a percentage of the pay rate. If the pay rate is $0, the oncosts percentage will be 0%. |
pay_oncosts_percent | Float |
Mandatory. Percentage of pay rate used for oncosts. 10 percent should be entered as 10 - not 0.1 or 10%. |
pay_rate [R] | Float |
Mandatory. The pay rate. |
PCGID | Int |
Rate Card ID is the internal ID used to represent a Rate Card. Use RateCardQuery to find a PCGID. |
PCNID | Int |
Rate Card Name ID is the internal ID used to represent a Rate name. |
ratecard_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a RateCardSave to identify the Rate Card. |
start_date | Date |
The start date of the Rate. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
charge_rate [R] | Float |
Mandatory. The charge rate. |
finish_date | Date |
The finish date of the Rate. |
name | String |
The Rate name. This cannot be adjusted on an existing Rate. |
pay_charge_rate | Float |
Deprecated. Please use charge_rate. |
pay_oncosts | Float |
Deprecated - please use pay_oncosts_percent. Oncosts dollar value. If provided we will convert to a percentage of the pay rate. If the pay rate is $0, the oncosts percentage will be 0%. |
pay_oncosts_percent | Float |
Mandatory. Percentage of pay rate used for oncosts. 10 percent should be entered as 10 - not 0.1 or 10%. |
pay_rate [R] | Float |
Mandatory. The pay rate. |
PCGID | Int |
Rate Card ID is the internal ID used to represent a Rate Card. Use RateCardQuery to find a PCGID. |
PCID | Int |
Rate ID is the internal ID used to represent a Rate. Use RateQuery to find a PCID. |
PCNID | Int |
Rate Card Name ID is the internal ID used to represent a Rate name. |
ratecard_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a RateCardSave to identify the Rate Card. |
start_date [R] | Date |
Mandatory. The start date of the Rate. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
PCGID | Int |
Rate Card Group ID is the internal ID used to identify a Rate Card. Use RateCardQuery to find a PCGID |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
PCGID [R] | Int |
Rate Card Group ID is the internal ID used to represent a Rate Card name. Use RateCardQuery to find a PCGID |
remoteid | String |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. If you ever need to update this record, you can provide the remoteid and we'll update the associated record. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
custom_field_1 | String |
Custom Field 1 |
custom_field_2 | String |
Custom Field 2 |
custom_field_3 | String |
Custom Field 3 |
custom_field_4 | String |
Custom Field 4 |
custom_field_5 | String |
Custom Field 5 |
name | String |
The Rate Card Name |
PCGID | Int |
Rate Card Group ID is the internal ID used to represent a Rate Card name. Use RateCardQuery to find a PCGID |
region_code | String |
Region code for the rate card, can only be set during creation of a new rate card and only if multiple regions are active. |
remoteid | String |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
update_remoteid | String 100 |
Updates the remote id of a record when saving an existing record. Note that you cannot update the remote id using the ‘remoteid’ field as this is used to determine the record to be updated. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
filter | String |
The filters for the report in XML or JSON format |
filterformat | String |
The format for the above parameter |
limit | Int |
The maximum number of rows to return (default to all of them) |
name [R] | String |
The name of the report to run |
offset | Int |
The first record to return (default zero) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
RGID | Int |
Rule Group ID is the internal ID used to identify a Rule Group. Use RuleGroupQuery to find a RGID |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
abn | String 11 |
The Australian Business Number of the Supplier |
account_bsb | String 6 |
The BSB number for the Supplier's bank account. This is where payments for supplier invoices (Purchases) will be made. |
account_code | String 50 |
This is the General Ledger Expense Account Code - it is often required for exporting purchase invoices into GL accounting systems such as MYOB. |
account_name | String 50 |
The Account Name for the Supplier's bank account. This is where payments for supplier invoices (Purchases) will be made. |
account_number | String 9 |
The account number for the Supplier's bank account. This is where payments for supplier invoices (Purchases) will be made. |
billing_locality | String 50 |
The suburb, city, town of the contact. Printed on the Supplier invoice. |
billing_postcode | String 10 |
The postal code of the contact. Printed on the invoice. |
billing_region | String 50 |
The state, county, region of the contact. Printed on the invoice. Use ListRegions for a list of valid address regions. |
billing_street | String 255 |
The postal address of the contact, printed on the invoice. |
contact | String 100 |
The name by which this contact is addressed. Eg. 'John Smith' or 'Mrs Jane Doe' |
String 100 |
The email address of this contact - used for sending invoices via email. |
expense_account_code | String 50 |
This is the General Ledger Expense Account Code - it is often required for exporting purchase invoices into GL accounting systems such as MYOB. |
is_sole_trader | String 1 |
Indicates whether a supplier is a sole trader |
name | String 200 |
The name by which this contact is addressed. Eg. 'John Smith' or 'Mrs Jane Doe' |
nogst | String 1 |
This allows you to set the Supplier as being exempt from GST - this applies to Supplier Invoices. |
pay_notes | String 255 |
This allows you to record notes detailing any requirements for this supplier |
region_code | String 2 |
This is the 2 letter region code that stipulates the regulatory region for the supplier. |
remoteid | String 100 |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
SID | Int |
Supplier ID is the internal ID used to represent Suppliers. Use SupplierQuery to find a SID |
tax_code | String 20 |
This is the tax code used for the MYOB Integration. Default is 'GST'. At the moment, this ONLY applies to MYOB Accounting Exports. |
tax_payroll_exempt | Integer 1 |
This enables you to set a supplier as Payroll Tax Exempt. 1: yes, 0: no, default to 0 |
update_remoteid | String 100 |
Updates the remote id of a record when saving an existing record. Note that you cannot update the remote id using the ‘remoteid’ field as this is used to determine the record to be updated. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
CCID | Int |
The Charge rate ID, if blank then the base charge is assumed. |
date | Date |
The calendar date in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the day the units apply to |
job_code | String 50 |
A remote ID to identify the job to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. If you ever need to update this record, you can provide the remoteid and we\'ll update the associated record. |
LM_type_id | Int |
The Leave Item ID provided in via ListLeaveTypes. This leave type must be assigned to the employee. Providing a leave item without also providing a PCID or CCID will use the pay item and charge item configured on the leave item. |
PCID | Int |
The pay item ID (PCID) provided in a PayItemQuery, if blank then the Base Hourly pay item is assumed |
PCNID | Int |
The rate ID provided in a RateQuery, if blank then the Base rate is assumed |
TSID | String |
The Timesheet ID (TSID) this applies to provided in a timesheetSave call |
UID | Int |
UID is the internal numeric ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a UID |
units | Float |
The number of units to pay, this should be either expressed in hours or days depending on the pay type of the employee. |
user_id | String 50 |
user_id is the internal ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a user_id |
user_remoteid | String 100 |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user whose timesheet is being saved |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
activity_id | Int |
The Activity ID in the System. If a value for this field is supplied then a value should also be supplied for project_id field |
activity_remote_timesheet_id | String |
The Activity ID in the External Timesheet System. If a value for this field is supplied then a value should also be supplied for project_remote_timesheet_id field |
break | String 4 |
The length of any breaks in four digits (1 hours is 0100, 10 minutes is 0010). If you don’t provide a start, you cannot provide a ‘break’. If you don’t provide a break, we’ll assume no break. |
break2_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 2nd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
break2_start | String 4 |
The start time of 2nd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
break3_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 3rd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
break3_start | String 4 |
The start time of 3rd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
break_finish | String 4 |
The end time in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
break_start | String 4 |
The start time in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
date [R] | Date |
The calendar date in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the day of the shift |
finish | String 4 |
The end time in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
job_code | String 50 |
A remote ID to identify the job to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. If you ever need to update this record, you can provide the remoteid and we\'ll update the associated record. |
notes | String |
Arbitrary notes against the day. Optional. |
PCID | Int |
The manually assigned pay item ID (PCID) provided in a PayItemQuery, if blank then the Base Hourly pay item is assumed, associated pay-rules will need to exists for this to be honoured. |
PM_PCID | String | |
project_id | Int |
The Project ID in the System. If a value for this field is supplied then a value should also be supplied for activity_id field |
project_remote_timesheet_id | String |
The Project ID in the External Timesheet System. If a value for this field is supplied then a value should also be supplied for activity_remote_timesheet_id field |
start | String 4 |
The start time in four digits (HHMM). 9am is 0900, 5:30 pm is 1730 |
TSID [R] | String |
The Timesheet ID (TSID) this applies to provided in a timesheetSave call |
UID | Int |
UID is the internal numeric ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a UID |
user_id | String 50 |
user_id is the internal ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a user_id |
user_remoteid | String 100 |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user whose timesheet is being saved |
work | Float |
For daily work, (0.5 would be half a day) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
approved | Date |
ISO-8601 date/time stamp in UTC indicating when the timesheet was approved. If not specified, we will use the date/time of the API call |
approved_by_user_id [R] | String |
Specify the id of the user that approved it. This is the ‘id’ field from a UserQuery – eg ‘john.smith’. |
complete | Date |
ISO-8601 date/time stamp in UTC indicating when the timesheet was completed. If not specified, we will use the date/time of the API call |
date | Date |
The calendar date in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the start of the timesheet |
job_code | String 50 |
The job_code provided in a UserSave to identify the job for the above user |
notes | String |
Arbitrary notes against the whole timesheet. Optional |
TSID | String |
The Timesheet ID (TSID) this applies to provided in a timesheetSave call |
UID | Int | |
user_id | String | |
user_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user whose timesheet is being saved |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
job_code | String 50 |
A remote ID to identify the job to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. If you ever need to update this record, you can provide the remoteid and we\'ll update the associated record. |
storage_id [R] | String |
The storage_id returned from the file storage interface. |
TSID [R] | String |
The Timesheet ID (TSID) this applies to provided in a timesheetSave call |
UID | Int |
UID is the internal numeric ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a UID |
user_id | String 50 |
user_id is the internal ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a user_id |
user_remoteid | String 100 |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user whose timesheet is being saved |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
date | Date |
The calendar date in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the start of the timesheet |
job_code | String 50 |
A remote ID to identify the job to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. If you ever need to update this record, you can provide the remoteid and we\'ll update the associated record. |
TSID | String |
The Timesheet ID (TSID) this applies to provided in a timesheetSave call |
UID | Int |
UID is the internal numeric ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a UID |
user_id | String 50 |
user_id is the internal ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a user_id |
user_remoteid | String 100 |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user whose timesheet is being saved |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
timesheet_paycat_id [R] | Int |
The Timesheet PayItem ID (timesheet_paycat_id) this applies to |
TSID [R] | String |
The Timesheet ID (TSID) this applies to |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
TSID [R] | String |
The Timesheet ID (TSID) this applies to |
TS_SID [R] | Int |
The Timesheet Shift ID (TS_SID) this applies to |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
remoteid | String 100 |
The external ID for the employee. |
UID | Int |
The internal ID for the employee. Use UserQuery to find the UID |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
PDID [R] | Int |
The deduction item ID (PDID) provided in a UserDeductionQuery |
UID | Int | |
user_id | String | |
user_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user we are assigning the Deduction to |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
DocType | String |
Document type. Accepted value: payslip |
job_code [R] | String |
A remote ID to identify the job to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
MID | Int |
Employee ID |
signoff [R] | String |
Signoff method for this document (currently only 'checkbox' is supported) |
storage_id [R] | String |
The storage_id returned from the file storage interface. |
UID | Int | |
user_id | String | |
user_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user we are assigning the document to. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
fixedpayitem_finish | Date |
a date in YYYY-MM-DD when this fixed pay item should be finished. |
fixedpayitem_start [R] | Date |
a date in YYYY-MM-DD when this fixed pay item should be started. |
PCID [R] | Int |
The PayItem ID (PCID) provided in a FixedPayItemQuery |
rate | Int |
The units per pay period |
UID | Int | |
units [R] | Int |
The units per day |
user_id | String | |
user_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user we are assigning the PayItem to |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
finish_date | Date |
The calendar date in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the last date this rate should be paid on |
pay_charge_rate [R] | Float |
The Charge Rate |
pay_oncosts | Float |
Deprecated - please use pay_oncosts_percent. Oncosts dollar value. If provided we will convert to a percentage of the pay rate. If the pay rate is $0, the oncosts percentage will be 0%. |
pay_oncosts_percent | Float |
Percentage of pay rate used for oncosts. 10 percent should be entered as 10 - not 0.1 or 10%. |
pay_rate [R] | Float |
The Pay Rate |
start_date [R] | Date |
The calendar date in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the first date this rate should be paid on |
UID | Int | |
user_id | String | |
user_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user we are assigning the Rate to |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
UID | Int |
UID is the internal numeric ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a UID |
user_id | String 50 |
user_id is the internal ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a user_id |
user_remoteid | String 100 |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user whose leave balance information is being requested |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
balance [R] | Float |
The new balance for the requested leave type for the requested employee. New balance must be provided as a decimal (float) number representing the total number of hours for the new balance (e.g. '0.5' for 30 minutes, '12.4' for 12 hours 24 minutes) |
LM_type_id [R] | Int |
The LM_type_id of the leave type whose balance you wish to modify. |
UID | Int |
UID is the internal numeric ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a UID |
user_id | String 50 |
user_id is the internal ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a user_id |
user_remoteid | String 100 |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user whose leave is being modified |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
leave_remoteid | Int | |
LM_type_id | Int |
The LM_type_id of the leave type you wish to assign |
start_date [R] | String | |
UID | Int |
UID is the internal numeric ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a UID |
user_id | String 50 |
user_id is the internal ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a user_id |
user_remoteid | String 100 |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user whose leave is being modified |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
leave_remoteid | Int | |
LM_type_id | Int |
The LM_type_id of the leave type you wish to un-assign |
UID | Int |
UID is the internal numeric ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a UID |
user_id | String 50 |
user_id is the internal ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find a user_id |
user_remoteid | String 100 |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user whose leave balance information is being requested |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
EPDIID [R] | Int |
The User Deduction Item ID for that User |
UID [R] | Int |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
job_code [R] | String |
A remote ID to identify the job to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
storage_id [R] | String |
The storage_id returned from the file storage interface. |
UID | Int | |
user_id | String | |
user_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user we are assigning the document to. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
EPPCIID [R] | Int |
Link ID for FixedPayItems and User |
UID [R] | Int |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
PRID [R] | Int |
The PayRaye ID (PRID) provided in a UserRateQuery |
UID | Int | |
user_id | String | |
user_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user we are assigning the Rate to |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
EPSIID [R] | Int |
The User Super Item ID for that User |
UID [R] | Int |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
abn | String 11 |
The Australian Business Number of the Biller (Customer) |
account_code | String 50 |
This is the General Ledger Expense Account Code - it is often required for exporting purchase invoices into GL accounting systems such as MYOB. |
BID | Int |
Biller ID is the internal ID used to represent Billers (customers). Use BillerQuery to find a BID |
billing_locality | String 50 |
The suburb, city, town of the contact. Printed on the invoice. |
billing_postcode | String 10 |
The postal code of the contact. Printed on the invoice. |
billing_region | String 50 |
The state, county, region of the contact. Printed on the invoice. Use ListRegions for a list of valid address regions. |
billing_street | String 255 |
The first line for street address of the contact, printed on the invoice. |
billing_street_2 | String 255 |
The second line for street address of the contact, printed on the invoice. |
billing_street_3 | String 255 |
The third line for street address of the contact, printed on the invoice. |
charge_cycle_id | Int |
The ID of the Charge Cycle configured to select the one applicable for the customer |
CM_CID | Int |
The assigned entity for billing and reporting - use CompanyEntityQuery to find CM_CID |
contact | String 100 |
The name by which the Default Billing Contact is addressed. Eg. 'John Smith' or 'Mrs Jane Doe'. The Default Billing Contact is typically ignored when information is pushed through the Web Service. |
contact_invoice_name | String 255 |
The name by which the Default Billing Contact is addressed in invoicing. The Default Billing Contact is typically ignored when information is pushed through the Web Service. |
custom_field_1 | String 512 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_2 | String 512 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_3 | String 512 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_4 | String 512 |
Custom field for integrators |
custom_field_5 | String 512 |
Custom field for integrators |
debtor_id | String 15 |
The Debtor Financing ID, as used in the 'Open Ledger Export' report, if not set the internal ID will be used. |
String 100 |
The email address for the Default Billing Contact. The Default Billing Contact is typically ignored when information is pushed through the Web Service. |
expense_account_code | String 50 |
This is the General Ledger Expense Account Code - it is often required for exporting purchase invoices into GL accounting systems such as MYOB. |
external_invoice_inbound_id | String |
ID of this record in a third party invoicing system that Astute is receiving data from. |
external_invoice_outbound_id | String |
ID of this record in a third party invoicing system that Astute is pushing data to. |
external_payroll_inbound_id | String |
ID of this record in a third party payroll system that Astute is receiving data from. |
external_payroll_outbound_id | String |
ID of this record in a third party payroll system that Astute is pushing data to. |
external_timesheet_inbound_id | String |
ID of this record in a third party timesheeting system that Astute is receiving data from. |
external_timesheet_outbound_id | String |
ID of this record in a third party timesheeting system that Astute is pushing data to. |
insurance_id | String |
Set the assigned workplace insurance id, use InsuranceQuery to find an insurance id. Cannot be an archived insurance. Passing explicit 0 will clear insurance_id. |
invoice_cc_email | String 100 |
The email address for additional contacts associated with the Default Billing Contact who need to receive a copy of invoices sent to the Default Billing Contact.The Default Billing Contact is typically ignored when information is pushed through the Web Service. |
invoice_consolidation | String 20 |
The invoice consolidation method |
invoice_currency | String 3 |
This is the currency the customer is invoiced in |
invoice_template_id | Int |
When using invoice templates, this field sets the default template for this customer. -2 = Parent Default, -1 = Entity Default, -3 = System Default |
invoice_term_length | Int |
The invoice term length for the Customer. This is used on all invoices for this Customer, and overrides the invoice term set up in the config. Leave it blank to use the Central config - only write to this if a specific Customer has a specific requirement. |
invoice_term_length_condition | Int |
0 = Default, 1 = Number of days after the invoice sent, 2 = Days after end of the month, 3 = Days before end of the month |
name | String 50 |
The name of biller company (customer). |
outbound_remoteid | String 255 |
An outbound remote ID refers to the object ID of the third party system that Astute is pushing data to. |
parent_BID | Int |
Biller ID of the parent entity. |
phone | String 30 |
The phone number of the Customer |
ponum | String 20 |
General Purchase Order - used on invoices and is an option re how to consolidate invoices. This is overwritten by any PO on an Employee's Job. |
remoteid | String 100 |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
send_type | Int |
Default method for sending invoices to this customer. 0 = Send link via email, 1 = Send attachment via email, 2 = Send via Post, 3 = Send via E-invoicing, 4 = Send via E-invoicing with Attached PDF, -1 = Set to portal default. Blank values (or not including a send_type attribute) will leave an existing customer unchanged and will set a new customer to the default. |
tag | String |
A comma seperated list of tags. This field will replace the existing tags if any. To add a tag to a Biller use the BilledTagAdd function |
tax_code | String 20 |
This is the tax code used for the MYOB Integration. Default is 'GST'. At the moment, this ONLY applies to MYOB Accounting Exports. |
tax_free | Int |
This enables you to set the Customer as Tax Free for astutepayroll.com's invoicing system. It is also used on invoices exported out to Xero Accounting but not to other GL systems. |
tax_payroll_exempt | Int |
This indicates that this Customer is exempt from Payroll Tax. This is used in the payroll module. |
trading_name | String 50 |
The trading name for biller company (customer). |
update_remoteid | String 100 |
Updates the remote id of a record when saving an existing record. Note that you cannot update the remote id using the ‘remoteid’ field as this is used to determine the record to be updated. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
remoteid | String 100 |
The external ID for the employee. |
terminationreason_id [R] | Int 11 |
The id of termination reason assigned to the employee. Use ListTerminationReason method to retrieve a list of available termination reasons id. |
termination_date [R] | Date |
Date of employment termination |
termination_note [R] | String 255 |
Additional termination notes. |
UID | Int |
The internal ID for the employee. Use UserQuery to find the UID |
Parameter | Type | Description |
ResultCode [R] | Int |
Results [R] | String |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
query | String 500 |
tags | Tns:tags |
Tags to search query by |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
approved | Date |
ISO-8601 date/time stamp in UTC indicating when the timesheet was approved. If an approver is specified, but this field is not provided we will use the date/time of the API call |
approved_by_user_id | String |
If the timesheet has already been approved, specify the id of the user that approved it. This is the ‘id’ field from a UserQuery – eg ‘john.smith’. Optional unless an approved timestamp is provided. |
complete | Date |
ISO-8601 date/time stamp in UTC indicating when the timesheet was completed. If not specified, we will use the date/time of the API call |
date | Date |
The calendar date in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the start of the timesheet |
did_not_work | Int |
Boolean (specified as 1 or 0) to indicate the employee did not work at this job in the time period of the timesheet. Default 0 |
fri_break | String 4 | |
fri_break2_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 2nd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
fri_break2_start | String 4 |
The start time of 2nd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
fri_break3_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 3rdd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
fri_break3_start | String 4 |
The start time of 3rd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
fri_break_finish | String 4 |
The end time in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
fri_break_start | String 4 |
The start time in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
fri_finish | String 4 | |
fri_notes | String | |
fri_PM_PCID | String | |
fri_start | String 4 | |
fri_work | Float | |
injury | Int |
Boolean (specified as 1 or 0) to indicate a workplace injury occurred. Default 0 |
job_code | String 50 |
The job_code provided in a UserSave to identify the job for the above user |
mon_break | String 4 |
The length of any breaks in four digits as above (1 hours is 0100, 10 minutes is 0010). If you don’t provide a start, you cannot provide a ‘break’. If you don’t provide a break, we’ll assume no break. |
mon_break2_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 2nd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
mon_break2_start | String 4 |
The start time of 2nd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
mon_break3_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 3rdd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
mon_break3_start | String 4 |
The start time of 3rd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
mon_break_finish | String 4 |
The end time in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
mon_break_start | String 4 |
The start time in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
mon_finish | String 4 |
The end time in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
mon_notes | String |
Arbitrary notes against the day. Optional. You can provide notes without a *_start and *_finish. |
mon_PM_PCID | String | |
mon_start | String 4 |
The start time in four digits (HHMM). 9am is 0900, 5:30 pm is 1730 |
mon_work | Float | |
notes | String |
Arbitrary notes against the whole timesheet. Optional |
sat_break | String 4 | |
sat_break2_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 2nd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
sat_break2_start | String 4 |
The start time of 2nd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
sat_break3_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 3rdd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
sat_break3_start | String 4 |
The start time of 3rd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
sat_break_finish | String 4 |
The end time in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
sat_break_start | String 4 |
The start time in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
sat_finish | String 4 | |
sat_notes | String | |
sat_PM_PCID | String | |
sat_start | String 4 | |
sat_work | Float | |
sun_break | String 4 | |
sun_break2_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 2nd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
sun_break2_start | String 4 |
The start time of 2nd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
sun_break3_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 3rdd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
sun_break3_start | String 4 |
The start time of 3rd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
sun_break_finish | String 4 |
The end time in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
sun_break_start | String 4 |
The start time in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
sun_finish | String 4 | |
sun_notes | String | |
sun_PM_PCID | String | |
sun_start | String 4 | |
sun_work | Float | |
thu_break | String 4 | |
thu_break2_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 2nd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
thu_break2_start | String 4 |
The start time of 2nd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
thu_break3_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 3rdd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
thu_break3_start | String 4 |
The start time of 3rd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
thu_break_finish | String 4 |
The end time in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
thu_break_start | String 4 |
The start time in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
thu_finish | String 4 | |
thu_notes | String | |
thu_PM_PCID | String | |
thu_start | String 4 | |
thu_work | Float | |
trigger_approval_email | Int 1 |
This indicate if the timesheet approval email will be triggered when sending timesheet with status pending approval. Valid values are 1 (send approval email) and 0 (do not send approval email) |
TSID | String |
The existing Timesheet ID (TSID) to be updated |
tue_break | String 4 | |
tue_break2_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 2nd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
tue_break2_start | String 4 |
The start time of 2nd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
tue_break3_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 3rdd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
tue_break3_start | String 4 |
The start time of 3rd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
tue_break_finish | String 4 |
The end time in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
tue_break_start | String 4 |
The start time in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
tue_finish | String 4 | |
tue_notes | String | |
tue_PM_PCID | String | |
tue_start | String 4 | |
tue_work | Float | |
UID | Int | |
user_id | String | |
user_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user whose timesheet is being saved |
wed_break | String 4 | |
wed_break2_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 2nd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
wed_break2_start | String 4 |
The start time of 2nd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
wed_break3_finish | String 4 |
The end time of 3rdd break in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
wed_break3_start | String 4 |
The start time of 3rd break in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
wed_break_finish | String 4 |
The end time in four digits (as per the *_start). If you provide a start, you must provide a finish. |
wed_break_start | String 4 |
The start time in four digits (HHMM). 9:00am is 0900, 5:30pm is 1730. |
wed_finish | String 4 | |
wed_notes | String | |
wed_PM_PCID | String | |
wed_start | String 4 | |
wed_work | Float |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
PSID [R] | Int |
The super item ID (PSID) provided in a SuperItemQuery |
UID | Int | |
user_id | String | |
user_remoteid | String |
The remoteid provided in a UserSave to identify the user we are assigning the SuperItem to |
value_override | Float |
The percent or dollar value override to use for the SuperItem. If blank, then the default percent or dollar value assigned to the SuperItem will be used. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
id | String |
ID is the internal ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find an ID |
job_code | String 50 |
remoteid | String |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. If you ever need to update this record, you can provide the remoteid and we'll update the associated record. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
query | String 500 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key [R] | String |
API key provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_password [R] | String |
API password provided by astutepayroll.com |
api_transaction_id | String |
Transaction identifier (Optional) |
api_username [R] | String |
API username provided by astutepayroll.com |
accept_terms | DateTime |
This is a record that indicates that the user has submitted all required employment forms. It is unlikely that this will be activated through the API. |
account_bsb | String 6 |
The BSB number for the Employee's bank account. This is where wages paid. |
account_code | String 50 |
This is the General Ledger Expense Account Code - it is often required for exporting purchase invoices into GL accounting systems such as MYOB. |
account_name | String 50 |
The account name for the Employee's bank account. This is where wages paid. |
account_number | String 9 |
The account number for the Employee's bank account. This is where wages paid. |
address_locality | String |
The suburb, city, town of the contact. Printed on the invoice. |
address_postcode | String 10 |
The postal code of the contact. Printed on the invoice. |
address_region | String 10 |
The state, county, region of the contact. Printed on the invoice. Use ListRegions for a list of valid address regions. |
address_street | String 255 |
The postal address of the contact, printed on the invoice. |
AID | Int |
Used to set the assigned Award - use RuleGroupQuery to get a RGID to provide for the AID argument |
approve_interpreted_data | String 1 |
Set this to Y if approver can approve interpreted data, or N if not. Only applies if the timesheet.approve_interpreted_data.enabled functionality is enabled. |
BCID | Int |
Set the associated billers - use BillerContactsQuery to search for BCID |
BID | Int |
Set the associated billers - use BillerQuery to search for BID |
billers_ponum | String 32 |
Customer Purchase Order |
billing_abn | String 11 |
The Australian Business Number of the Biller (Customer) |
billing_contact | String 100 |
The name by which the Default Billing Contact is addressed. Eg. 'John Smith' or 'Mrs Jane Doe'. The Default Billing Contact is typically ignored when information is pushed through the Web Service. |
billing_email | String 100 |
The email address of this contact - used for sending invoices via email. |
billing_entity | String 50 |
This is the Billing Entity that the job will be invoiced from. The Billing Entity is the Portal Owner\s Company. There may be multiple Billing Entities. This is a mandatory field. |
branding_CM_CID | Int |
The assigned entity for branding of employee interactions - use CompanyEntityQuery to find CM_CID. Send 0 to default to the payroll entity. |
bulk_upload_list_id | Int |
The bulk upload list ID to assign this user to. Send as blank to remove from the list. Not providing it will leave it unchanged. |
charge_currency | String 3 |
The Job charge currency |
CM_CID | Int |
The assigned entity for billing and reporting - use CompanyEntityQuery to find CM_CID |
consolidation_code | String |
Primary consolidation code for job - used above any other consolidation setting |
cost_centre | String 50 |
Cost Centre, primarily used for TechOne integration |
date_birth | Date |
The Employee's Date of Birth. Not mandatory |
date_finish | Date |
The finish date of the Employee's job. Can be set to a date or left blank if an end date is not known |
date_start | Date |
The start date of the Employee's job. Mandatory. |
debtor_code | String 50 |
Debtor Code, primarily used for TechOne integration |
deposit_amount | Decimal |
The dollar or percentage of the Employee's pay to be paid into the associated bank account |
deposit_type | Int |
Sets whether the deposit amont is a dollar or a percentage |
String 100 |
The employee's email address for all system notifications except Payslips IF the employee has nominated an alternative email address for Payslips. IF the employee has NOT nominated another email address for payslips then they will be sent to this email address. |
email_opt_out | String 1 |
Will stop all emails EXCEPT payslips from being sent to this employee. Payslips override the opt out UNLESS there is an alternative email address entered into the payslip email address |
employee_external_invoice_inbound_id | String |
ID of this employee in a third party invoicing system that Astute is receiving data from. |
employee_external_invoice_outbound_id | String |
ID of this employee in a third party invoicing system that Astute is pushing data to. |
employee_external_payroll_inbound_id | String |
ID of this employee in a third party payroll system that Astute is receiving data from. |
employee_external_payroll_outbound_id | String |
ID of this employee in a third party payroll system that Astute is pushing data to. |
employee_external_timesheet_inbound_id | String |
ID of this employee in a third party timesheeting system that Astute is receiving data from. |
employee_external_timesheet_outbound_id | String |
ID of this employee in a third party timesheeting system that Astute is pushing data to. |
employee_full_time_week_MTS_id | Int |
The assigned Full Time Week timesheet for the employee - this would be an MTS_id or 0 (zero) if none. |
employer | String 100 |
The Biller (Customer) where the employee will be working. |
employment_start_date | Date |
The starting date of the Employee's employment. |
employment_type | String |
This enables you to set the employment type for the employee to either Contingent or Permanent. This is very important for managing permissions as only the Payroll Administrator and Payroll Officer will be able to see any information about Permanent employees. |
engagement | String 9 |
The Employee's engagement option: Casual, Part Time, Full Time or Labour Hire |
expenses_enabled | String 1 |
Allow this employee to submit expense claim reports against this job |
fixedpayitem_enabled | String 1 | |
gender | String 1 |
Optional identified gender of the Employee (0 for Not stated or inadequately described, 1 or M for Male, 2 or F for Female, 3 for Intersex or Indeterminate) |
gl_group_fallback | String 45 |
When the gl_group_id is not set, this is where we should get the GL Group for the employee. Valid values are 'payroll_entity', and 'portal' |
gl_group_id | Int |
The gl_group_id for the GL Group to use for employee related data. If this is set to blank or zero, the GL Group will be sourced from the gl_group_fallback field. Use GLGroupQuery to find a gl_group_id. |
group_manager_user_id | String 50 |
The UID of the Group Manager - this is a Recruiter or Portal Administrator login. This person will be able to see information about the Employee's job. |
holiday_group_id | Int |
The holiday group to assign to the job. Use HolidayGroupQuery to discover appropriate holiday_group_id values |
id | String 50 |
ID is the internal ID used to represent employees. Use UserQuery to find an ID |
insurance_id | String |
Set the assigned workplace insurance id, use InsuranceQuery to find an insurance id. Cannot be an archived insurance. Passing explicit 0 will clear insurance_id. '-1' means Fallback to Customer Default, '-2' means Fallback to Workplace Default, '-3' means Fallback to Occupation Default. |
insurance_rate | Decimal |
Workplace Insurance rate. |
insurance_reference | String 30 |
This field allows you to set the reference code for Workplace Insurance. |
invoice_buyer_reference | String 100 |
Buyer Reference, this field is only available when e-invoicing is enabled and will be mapped in e-invoicing message |
job_code | String 50 |
A remote ID to identify the job to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
job_custom_field_1 | String 512 |
Custom job field 1 |
job_custom_field_2 | String 512 |
Custom job field 2 |
job_custom_field_3 | String 512 |
Custom job field 3 |
job_custom_field_4 | String 512 |
Custom job field 4 |
job_custom_field_5 | String 512 |
Custom job field 5 |
job_expense_account_code | String 50 |
GL expense account code associated with the job |
job_external_invoice_inbound_id | String |
ID of this job in a third party invoicing system that Astute is receiving data from. |
job_external_invoice_outbound_id | String |
ID of this job in a third party invoicing system that Astute is pushing data to. |
job_external_payroll_inbound_id | String |
ID of this job in a third party payroll system that Astute is receiving data from. |
job_external_payroll_outbound_id | String |
ID of this job in a third party payroll system that Astute is pushing data to. |
job_external_timesheet_inbound_id | String |
ID of this job in a third party timesheeting system that Astute is receiving data from. |
job_external_timesheet_outbound_id | String |
ID of this job in a third party timesheeting system that Astute is pushing data to. |
job_full_time_week_MTS_id | Int |
The assigned Full Time Week timesheet for the job - this would be an MTS_id or 0 (zero) if none. |
job_gl_group_fallback | String 45 |
When the job_gl_group_id is not set, this is where we should get the GL Group for the job. Valid values are 'employee', 'billing_entity', 'payroll_entity', and 'portal' |
job_gl_group_id | Int |
The gl_group_id for the GL Group to use for job related data. If this is set to blank or zero, the GL Group will be sourced from the job_gl_group_fallback field. Use GLGroupQuery to find a job_gl_group_id |
job_income_account_code | String 50 |
GL income account code associated with the job |
job_notes | String | |
job_pam_id | String |
Set the job PAM ID |
job_title | String 100 |
This is the job Title for the employee. It is not mandatory. |
kin_address_locality | String 50 |
The suburb, city, town of the Employee's next of Kin. |
kin_address_postcode | String 10 |
The postal code of the Employee's next of Kin. |
kin_address_region | String 10 |
The state, county, region of the Employee's next of Kin. Use ListRegions for a list of valid address regions. |
kin_address_street | String 255 |
The postal address of the Employee's next of Kin. |
kin_email | String 100 |
The next of kin's email address |
kin_name | String 100 |
The name of the next of Kin |
kin_phone | String 10 |
The phone number of the next of kin |
kin_relationship | String 30 |
the relationship between the employee and the next of kin |
known_as | String 200 |
The optional name by which this employee is commonly referred to |
leaverequest_enabled | String 1 |
Whether the job is used to accrue leave. (0 if it should not be used, 1 if it should) |
logo | String 50 |
This allows you to set a logo to be used on Timesheets for this Job. This is typically the Billers (Customers) logo where they require dual branding |
manager2_user_id | String 50 |
The secondary approver - this person will be required to approve timesheets and expenses should the primary person fail to approve in time. |
manager_user_id | String 50 |
The Primary Approver - this person is responsible for approving timesheets and expenses. |
mobile_country_code | String 4 |
The country code (eg '+61') for the mobile phone number of the employee. |
mobile_phone | String 20 |
Mobile phone number of the employee including any in-country area code (but not the country code) |
name_first | String 50 |
First (given) name of the Employee |
name_last | String 50 |
Surname (family) name of the Employee |
name_middle | String 50 |
Optional middle name(s) of the Employee |
OL_OID | Int |
The assigned occupation- use OccupationQuery to search for OL_OID |
pam_id | String |
Set the employee PAM ID |
passport_country | String 2 |
The passport country assigned to the employee in 2-character ISO format. Use 0 (zero) to unset the current assignment. Use ListCountryCodes method to retrieve a list of available country codes. |
password | String 1000 |
the password for the employee - this should be left blank |
payroll_CM_CID | Int |
The assigned entity for payroll purposes - use CompanyEntityQuery to find CM_CID |
payslip_email | String 100 |
Option email address for Payslips. IF the employee has NOT nominated another email address for payslips then they will be sent to the primary email address, even if email_opt_out is set. |
pay_charge_rate | Decimal |
The charge rate for the Job. This is the rate that will be used for invoicing. It needs to be the base rate excluding any tax. |
pay_cycle | Int |
This sets the frequency of payments to employees and assists in associating the relevant tax tables. The field in the UI is called Pay Cycle [Users > Employees > Employment]. Values here are PCYID values from a PayCycleQuery. |
pay_frequency | String |
Deprecated. Use pay_cycle instead. |
pay_notes | String 255 |
this allows you to record notes pertaining to the Employee's payroll. This will appear in the employee pays report and other areas of the payroll module. |
pay_oncosts | Decimal |
Deprecated - please use pay_oncosts_percent. Oncosts dollar value. If provided we will convert to a percentage of the pay rate. If the pay rate is $0, the oncosts percentage will be 0%. |
pay_oncosts_percent | Decimal |
Percentage of pay rate used for oncosts. This field allows you to enter an amount for additional costs such as superanuation and taxes. It is used in reports to determine the profit or margin being made (Margin = Charge Rate - Pay Rate - Oncosts ). 10 percent should be entered as 10 - not 0.1 or 10%. |
pay_rate | Decimal |
This is the amount that the employee will be paid. It needs to be the base rate excluding super or GST. |
pay_rate_interval | String |
This sets whether the timesheets used will be 'Hourly', 'Daily', or 'Piecework'. The field in the UI is called Timesheet Type [Users > Employees > Job > Job Details] |
pay_type | String |
Allows you to set whether the employee is a PAYG employee who will be part of the payroll, or a Subcontractor with an ABN who will have an associated Supplier who will be paid via a Supplier Invoice. |
PCGID | Int |
The rate card to assign to the job. Use RateCardQuery to discover appropriate PCGID values |
permission_group | String |
TODO: This enables you to set the permission group for the employee. This will determine whether the Payroll Administrator and/or Payroll Office will be able to see the employee |
phone_country_code | String 4 |
The country code (eg '+61') for the main phone number of the employee. |
phone_mobile | String 20 |
The main phone number of the employee including any in-country area code (but not the country code) |
previous_payroll_system_id | String |
The Previous Payroll System ID is used to transfer payee YTD values from an old payroll ID to the new payroll system id for the payee |
ready | String 1 |
This enables you to set the employee as Payroll Ready. The system will send Not Payroll Ready emails to the employee until this is checked. It is unlikely that this will be set through the Web Service. |
recruiter2_margin_split | Decimal |
This enables you to set the % split that will be assigned to the second consultant in reports. Provide a number without a percentage symbol - e.g. 5 for 5%. Requires recruiter margin split module to be enabled. |
recruiter2_user_id | String 50 |
The id to set the second consultant associated with this job. Requires recruiter margin split module and at least two recruiters to be enabled |
recruiter3_margin_split | Decimal |
This enables you to set the % split that will be assigned to the third consultant in reports. Provide a number without a percentage symbol - e.g. 5 for 5%. Requires recruiter margin split module to be enabled. |
recruiter3_user_id | String 50 |
The id to set the third consultant associated with this job. Requires recruiter margin split module and at least three recruiters to be enabled |
recruiter4_margin_split | Decimal |
This enables you to set the % split that will be assigned to the forth consultant in reports. Provide a number without a percentage symbol - e.g. 5 for 5%. Requires recruiter margin split module to be enabled. |
recruiter4_user_id | String 50 |
The id to set the forth consultant associated with this job. Requires recruiter margin split module and at least four recruiters to be enabled |
recruiter5_margin_split | Decimal |
This enables you to set the % split that will be assigned to the fifth consultant in reports. Provide a number without a percentage symbol - e.g. 5 for 5%. Requires recruiter margin split module to be enabled. |
recruiter5_user_id | String 50 |
The id to set the fifth consultant associated with this job. Requires recruiter margin split module and at least five recruiters to be enabled |
recruiter_user_id | String 50 |
The id to set the primary consultant associated with this job |
remoteid | String 100 |
A remote ID allows you to maintain consistency by storing your primary ID in our database. |
residency | Int |
The residency, or 'Employment Eligibility', assigned to the employee. Use ListResidencies to find a list of IDs to use. Use 0 (zero) to unset the current assignment. |
secondary_account_bsb | String 6 |
The BSB number for the Employee's second bank account. This is where a portion of wages will be paid. Wages are paid the accounts in reverse order - so first payment is the % or the $ amount into the third account, then the % or the $ amount into the second, with the remaining paid into the first account. |
secondary_account_name | String 50 |
The account name for the Employee's second bank account. This is where a portion of wages will be paid. Wages are paid the accounts in reverse order - so first payment is the % or the $ amount into the third account, then the % or the $ amount into the second, with the remaining paid into the first account. |
secondary_account_number | String 9 |
The account number for the Employee's second bank account. This is where a portion of wages will be paid. Wages are paid the accounts in reverse order - so first payment is the % or the $ amount into the third account, then the % or the $ amount into the second, with the remaining paid into the first account. |
SendNewUserEmail | String 1 |
When provided, this will override the global preference to send new user emails. To use the system default, do NOT include this in your request. |
SID | Int |
Supplier ID is the internal ID used to represent Suppliers. Use SupplierQuery to find a SID. This will associate a Supplier to the employee. This is required where the Pay Type is set to Sub Contractor with an ABN. |
sms_opt_out | String 1 |
Will stop all SMS notifications from being sent to this employee. Please provide 1 (yes) or 0 (no). If blank value is provided the employee will receive SMS notifications. |
split_shifts | String 1 | |
subcontractor_entity | String |
This is the associated Supplier. See SID. |
subcontractor_nogst | String 1 |
subentityOne_id | Int |
First level of corporate organisation |
subentityTwo_id | Int |
Second level of corporate organisation |
super_abn | String 11 |
This is the ABN of the Employee's superannuation fund |
super_account_name | String 150 |
This is the name on the Employee's superannuation fund account, for a non-SMSF |
super_address1 | String 200 |
This is address line 1 of the Employee's superannuation fund |
super_address2 | String 200 |
This is address line 2 of the Employee's superannuation fund |
super_address3 | String 200 |
This is address line 3 of the Employee's superannuation fund |
super_esa | String 50 |
This is the Electronic Service Address (ESA) of the Employee's superannuation fund. Required for Self-managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF). |
super_member_reference | String 50 |
This is the member reference of the Employee's superannuation fund, for a non-SMSF |
super_name | String 100 |
This is the name of the Employee's superannuation fund |
super_payment_account | String 9 |
This is the account number for payments to the superfund for this employee, visible to the employee for a SMSF |
super_payment_bsb | String 6 |
This is the BSB for payments to the superfund for this employee, visible to the employee for a SMSF |
super_payment_reference | String 18 |
This is the payment reference for payments to the superfund for this employee, visible to the employee for a SMSF |
super_phone | String 20 |
This is the phone number of the Employee's superannuation fund |
super_postcode | String 4 |
The postal code of the Employee's superannuation fund |
super_product | String 50 |
This is the name of the Employee's superannuation product |
super_product_name | String 50 |
Deprecated. This was the Employee's superannuation fund member number - please use super_member_reference. |
super_provider | String 50 |
Deprecated. This was the Employee's superannuation fund's name - please use super_name. |
super_smsf | Int |
Boolean. This is to indicate if a self-managed superfund is being paid: 1 (SMSF), 0 (Non-SMSF). Default 0 |
super_spin | String 9 |
Deprecated. This was the SPIN of the Employee's superannuation fund |
super_state | String 7 |
The state of the Employee's superannuation fund |
super_usi | String 14 |
This is the Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) of the Employee's superannuation fund. Required for Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) regulated funds and Retirement Savings Account (RSA) - i.e. Non-SMSF. |
tax_payroll_exempt | String 1 |
This enables you to set an employee as Payroll Tax Exempt. This will flow through to the astute payroll module. |
tax_table | String 50 |
This enables you to select the Tax Table for the employee |
tax_TID | Int 2 |
The tax applicable on invoices. Setting this to 0 will set to No Tax Applicable. |
tax_variation_value | Decimal |
The tax variation percentage to use, when using the Withholding Variation tax table. |
terminationreason_id | Int 11 |
The id of termination reason assigned to the employee. Use ListTerminationReason method to retrieve a list of available termination reasons id. |
termination_date | Date |
Date of employment termination |
termination_note | String 255 |
Additional termination notes. |
tertiary_account_bsb | String 6 |
The BSB number for the Employee's third bank account. This is where a portion of wages will be paid. Wages are paid the accounts in reverse order - so first payment is the % or the $ amount into the third account, then the % or the $ amount into the second, with the remaining paid into the first account. |
tertiary_account_name | String 50 |
The account name for the Employee's third bank account. This is where a portion of wages will be paid. Wages are paid the accounts in reverse order - so first payment is the % or the $ amount into the third account, then the % or the $ amount into the second, with the remaining paid into the first account. |
tertiary_account_number | String 9 |
The account number for the Employee's third bank account. This is where a portion of wages will be paid. Wages are paid the accounts in reverse order - so first payment is the % or the $ amount into the third account, then the % or the $ amount into the second, with the remaining paid into the first account. |
tertiary_deposit_amount | Decimal |
The dollar or percentage of the Employee's pay to be paid into the associated bank account |
tertiary_deposit_type | Int |
Sets whether the deposit amont is a dollar or a percentage |
tfn | String 11 |
This is the Employee's Tax File Number which is required by the Australian Taxation Office to identify payments for this employee |
timesheet_enabled | String 1 | |
timesheet_expenses_enabled | String 1 |
Allow this employee to submit expenses on timesheets for this job. Automatically enables expenses_enabled. |
timesheet_invoicing | String 1 | |
timesheet_length | String |
Timesheet length can be 'week', 'fornight' or 'month'. |
timesheet_offset | Int |
Timesheet start day. For weekly timesheets, 0 = Monday ... 6 = Sunday. For fortnightly, 0 = first Monday .. 13 = second Sunday. For monthly use day of month (1 = 1st, 31 = 31st (or last valid day when less than 31)). Use -1 to get the value from the customer based on the provided BID. |
timesheet_payroll | String 1 | |
timesheet_start_date | Date |
The first date the job will accept time or interpreted data records. Optional, otherwise the greater of the Job start date or Billing Entity timesheet start date will be used. Send a blank value to remove date. |
update_job_code | String 100 |
Updates the job code of a record when saving an existing record. Note that you cannot update the job code using the ‘job_code’ field as this is used to determine the record to be updated. |
update_remoteid | String 100 |
Updates the remote id of a record when saving an existing record. Note that you cannot update the remote id using the ‘remoteid’ field as this is used to determine the record to be updated. |
USERTYPE [R] | String 10 |
Valid values are EMPLOYEE, APPROVER, and RECRUITER |
user_custom_field_1 | String 512 |
Custom user field 1 |
user_custom_field_2 | String 512 |
Custom user field 2 |
user_custom_field_3 | String 512 |
Custom user field 3 |
user_custom_field_4 | String 512 |
Custom user field 4 |
user_custom_field_5 | String 512 |
Custom user field 5 |
visa_expiry_date | Date |
The visa expiry date assigned to the employee. Use 0 (zero) to unset the current assignment. |
visa_type | Int |
The visa type assigned to the employee. Use ListVisaTypes to find a list of IDs to use. Use 0 (zero) to unset the current assignment. |
visa_verified_by | Int |
The UID of the user who verified the employee's visa. Use 0 (zero) to unset the current assignment. |
visa_verified_confirm | Int |
Has the employee's visa been verified? Use 0 (zero) for 'no' or 1 for 'yes'. |
visa_verified_date | Date |
The date the employee's visa was verified. Use 0 (zero) to unset the current assignment. |
WID | Int |
Set the Asscoaited billers workplace - use BillerWorkplaceQuery to search for WID |
workplace_locality | String 50 |
The suburb, city, town of the workplace - this will automatically flow down from the workplace set up in the customer or can be manually entered or overwritten here. |
workplace_postcode | String 10 |
The postal code of the workplace - this will automatically flow down from the workplace set up in the customer or can be manually entered or overwritten here. |
workplace_region | String 10 |
The state, county, region of the workplace - this will automatically flow down from the workplace set up in the customer or can be manually entered or overwritten here. Use ListRegions for a list of valid address regions. |
workplace_street | String 255 |
The postal address of the workplace - this will automatically flow down from the workplace set up in the customer or can be manually entered or overwritten here. |